Being sick sucks . . .

Lifting heavy things is one my preferred activities. I have even made some good progress recently on some my weaknesses despite it being winter and having to walk to the gym. I was nailing morning training 4-5 days a week. It was good. Then my partner picked up some monster plague from work. Typically he suffers while I get away illness free. Not this time. I picked up the monster plague from him and have been a useless lump in bed for four days. A single flight of stairs makes my lungs hurt. But lying about all day also makes my back hurt. Lifting heavy things is often what makes my back feel better. So what is person to do when the preferred form of movement (or any significant movement) is out of the question?

Restorative yoga. Even while horribly sick I can usually manage 20-30 of super slow and gentle restorative yoga. I find it just enough to stave off my back pain until I am well enough to ease back into more active forms of movement.

lift heavy things

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